The Bored Girl's Kitchen

{March 23, 2012}   Ramen with a teakettle

Verdict: Success

Oh Ramen noodles.  The staple of every stereotypical college student’s diet, the pinnacle of just starting out on one’s own, and the perfect quick meal if you’re broke, in a hurry, or too hungover to really cook.  Believe it or not, I just learned how to cook Ramen myself only a few weeks ago.  Ok, that’s a bit wrong, I always knew how to make it.  Boil water, add noodles, eat.  But until just a few weeks ago I never made it by myself.  I always either had it made for me (thank you, best husband ever), or I ate it straight  out of the package.

What? I know I’m not the only one to do that.  You can put your judging eyes away now.

So one day I’m hungry and in a hurry.  I decide I’m making myself some Ramen noodles because they’re delicious.  I walk into the kitchen and remember that oh right, nobody has done the dishes yet.  (Sorry, mom!)

So not wanting to do enough dishes to clear a spot on the stove for a pot to boil water in, and not wanting to wait the … *checking package* … 3 minutes for the noodles to cook after already waiting for the water to boil I looked around.  My eyes fell upon the teakettle and a light bulb went off over my head.  I turned off the light because well, it was the middle of the day and the kitchen was bright enough as is.

Prep time:  However long it takes the teakettle to boil.

Cook time:  However long it takes the hot water to cool enough to not burn you.

To make Teakettle Ramen you need just a few things:

– A teakettle.  I have this handy dandy one that my mom uses all the time.

– However many packages of Ramen you want to cook.

– A bowl big enough to hold the noodles, the water, and leave you enough room to do a bit of stirring.

Today I’m just feeding myself, so I have this bowl here.  In reality it’s more of a mixing bowl, but my favorite Nightmare Before Christmas bowl just doesn’t cut it when I also need room to stir.

Step 1:  Make sure there’s water in the teakettle.  Put it on the stove and start the heat underneath it.

Step 2:  Open your packet of noodles.  Put the noodles in the bowl.  You can break the noodles up if you want, or leave the block whole, it’s really up to you and your personal preference.  Open up the seasoning packet if you want that, and pour it on top of the noodles.

Step 3:  Go play some solitaire or something while you’re waiting for the water to finish boiling.


(This is me sucking at Spider Solitaire)

Step 4: Water’s boiling? Ok good.  Turn off the heat, and pour the boiling water over the noodles in the bowl. I know the directions call for two cups, but you really just need to make sure that there’s enough in there that you can cover all of the noodles.

As the noodles begin to soften, keep stirring.  By the time they’re “fully cooked,” they should be cool enough to eat.

I know, that sounds soooo complicated.  But I have faith that you can do it too. This recipe is awesome because you get tasty, tasty Ramen without the additional wait time for cooking, and with even less dishes to wash when you’re done! Because if you’re anything like me, you hate dishes too. To celebrate your newfound awesome, go ahead and make yourself a cup of tea.


If you have any questions or comments you can either leave them below, or email me.  If you have a suggestion for a recipe or any other ideas, that email address is

Happy cooking!

et cetera