The Bored Girl's Kitchen

{June 17, 2012}   Take one at tacos

Verdict: Coulda been better, but weren’t terrible.

Every now and then I get some serious cravings for tacos, and not the kind with ground beef.  I’ve never really made them before and always sought them out, but being on a bit more of a budget than I have been in the past I decided to give it a shot.  What you see below is what I was able to do with what I found around the house.

To copy me exactly, you’ll need:

– Some really freezer-burned meat masquerading as steak

– Various veggies: I used a sweet onion and some avocado

– Seasonings: I used garlic powder, roasted garlic red pepper, and celery salt

– Butter

– Tortillas.  I usually prefer flour, but all I had was corn.

– Cheese

Step 1: Cook the meat.  You can defrost it completely first, or do what I did and try to defrost it a bit then toss it in the pan with a lid on low heat to have it cook and defrost at the same time.  Once the outer edges are at least no longer frozen and can accept seasonings, you can season your meat now if you’d like.

Step 2: While the meat is cooking, go ahead and get your veggies and the like sliced up.

Step 3: Once cooked at least pretty much all the way how you want it, pull it from the pan and cut it up.  You can do strips or chunks or whatever you want.  I ended up with strips because I was too lazy to cut everything up into small chunks.  Then everything goes back into the pan for some more frying in butter.  You’ll also add your onions and season to taste here as well.  Once everything’s all done, drop your meat onto a plate.

Step 4: You can choose to heat your tortillas up a bit if you want, or just start building your tacos right away.  I chose to heat mine on the stove for a few seconds.  Once they start moving – changing shape, curling edges, bubbling – it’s probably time to pull them and start building your tacos.

You can assemble with more onions, tomatoes, avocados, whatever you want.  I opted for just avocados and cheese and even more onions.

This was nowhere near as good as authentic tacos, or even how I butcher assembling tacos when friends make them fairly authentically, but it hit the spot for the moment and I was happy enough with it.

If you have any questions or comments you can either leave them below, or email me.  If you have a suggestion for a recipe or any other ideas, that email address is

Happy cooking!

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